Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Prayer for Sunday, January 30, 2011

“Jesus…Came to be Baptized”

It was another step in the series of humble—even humiliating—steps that Jesus made; the series began with the Incarnation and ended with the Crucifixion and along the way there were many other similar, if not quite as dramatic or extreme, steps.

And so he who knew no sin, he who had no need to repent, came to John at the Jordan River so that he could get in line with all the other people who had come, so he could get wet with all the other people who had come, so he could submit to what God was doing through John with all the other people who had come—so he could be baptized with all the other people who had come.

Thank you, God, that Jesus humbled himself through baptism and in so many other ways.

Thank you, God, that Jesus joined himself to our condition and identified himself with our sinful state through his baptism and in so many other ways—especially through his death on the Cross.

Help us, O God, to live baptized lives that show our identification with Jesus in his humility.


“Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan, to be baptized by him” (Matthew 3:13).

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