“Where Your Treasure Is”
Help us, O Lord, to store up our treasures in the right place; help us to store them up in heaven and not on earth.
Forgive us when we give in to self-centeredness and greed that cause us to give our best effort and our greatest energy to building an earthly legacy and to hoarding earthly possessions.
Empower us instead to make you and your will the center of our lives and as an outgrowth of that proper prioritizing to put the needs of others ahead of our needs, not to mention our wants.
Take away our pride that causes to care about how impressed others are with us and with our success and give us instead humility that causes us to care only about how our thoughts, motives, attitudes, and actions appear in your eyes.
Cause us to have our hearts in the right place. Give us the courage to take a good hard look at where we really store up our treasure so that we will know--and if necessary do something about--where our hearts in fact are.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21)
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