Monday, February 20, 2012

A Prayer for Monday, February 20, 2012


O God,

A new week, filled with possibilities, lies before us.

We have good reason, based on past experience, to be both excited and nervous about walking into the unknown of this week, given that it may well be a critical week, a week that changes everything either because of some great gain or because of some great loss.

It could be, on the other hand, one of those weeks where it seems like everything is routine and nothing much changes—although much will change, whether we notice and acknowledge it or not.

So, O God, protect us from our fear of the unknown; fill us instead with faith in the face of the unknown.

So, O God, protect us from anxiety over the possibility of pain and loss; fill us instead with a sense of your presence in the face of potential or realized pain and loss.

So, O God, protect us from presumption over the possibility of gain and success; fill us instead with a sense of wonder and humility in the face of potential or realized gain and success.

A new week, filled with possibilities, lies before us.

Give us grace to live well in it.


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