Friday, April 13, 2012

A Prayer for Friday, April 13, 2012


O Lord,

As we anticipate the future, which we can do with limited accuracy, we tend to categorize expected events as either major or minor.

But as we evaluate the past, which we can do with better but still limited accuracy, we realize that often what we thought would be a major event turned out to be minor and what we thought would be a minor event turned out to be major.

Indeed, if we stop and think about it, we really can’t know what the consequences of any event, however we have categorized it, were and continue to be; only you know the whole picture.

So, O Lord, we trust all the events of this day and all the events of our lives to you.

We trust that you are somehow working in all the events of our lives to accomplish your gracious purposes.

We trust that you are somehow guiding us as we seek to do your will.

Help us to treat all the events of our lives as so major that we must trust them to you and as so minor that we need have no anxiety about them.


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