Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Prayer for Palm Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Lord’s Day

This Lord’s Day is Palm Sunday, the day that we remember the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.

This Lord’s Day is also Passion Sunday, the day that we begin to turn our full attention to what happened—and to what will happen—on Thursday and Friday.

The transition is jarring.

As we worship today, we will likely see ourselves in the role of those who shouted out their welcome to Jesus as they spread palm branches and even their cloaks in front of the donkey on which he rode into the city; we will proclaim him King and will welcome the present and coming Kingdom of God.

Perhaps those who did those things on the original Palm Sunday were sincere in what they said when they said it; unfortunately they had no idea of how the truth of what they were saying would express itself in the days to follow—they had no idea of the cost to Jesus and, no doubt, to some of them.

Lord God, as we sing praises to Jesus, as we proclaim him King of our lives, and as we welcome your present and coming Kingdom, help us to deal with what we now know to be the truth of our words—that the Kingdom comes only through betrayal, rejection, suffering, and death.

Help us to deal with the truth that as it was for Jesus, so it is for Jesus’ followers.

So, as we wave palm branches and welcome Jesus again to our cities, to our churches, and to our lives, keep us mindful of what is coming for him on Thursday and Friday—and of what comes for us every day.


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