Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Prayer for Saturday, June 30, 2012


We get in the car or on the plane or on the train and we go; we are a mobile society. Like most things that are a part of our way of life, we take the ability to travel and the privilege of traveling for granted.

Thank you, O God, for all the places there are to go, for all the sights there are to see, and for all the people there are to experience.

Thank you, O God, for all the people who build and maintain the machines in which we travel, the stations through which we travel, and the roads and tracks by which we travel.

Thank you, O God, for the safety in which we travel and for those whose life work it is to keep us safe.

Help us to remember, O God, that no matter where we go and no matter how we go, you always go with us.


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