“The baby is a rose” is a metaphor.
So is “God is a rock” and “Jesus is the door.”
These things we understand; we understand that those metaphorical statements make a comparison but do not describe an equivalency; we understand that they are to be taken as true without being taken as literal.
Help us, O God, to make progress in living in and with metaphor as the primary way that we can and do think about and talk about you. Give us great reverence for you that accepts that you are more than we could ever imagine or describe. Give us great humility that accepts the limitations of our minds to comprehend you and of our words to describe you.
At the same time, O God, help us to grow in a spirit of celebration and wonder that you, the unknowable and indescribable God, have always loved us enough to make yourself known to us.
The words we use to name and to describe you are metaphorical.
The relationship we have with you is not.
Thanks be to you!
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