Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Prayer for Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Give us this day our daily bread, O God.

Thank you for the sustenance that we derive from the food we eat. Forgive us for our over-indulgence; help us to live simply and to have our eating habits reflect that simplicity. Make us mindful of those who have little to eat; help us to go out of our way to help them in whatever ways we can, but especially through the sharing of our abundance and through influencing decision makers to adopt and maintain policies and practices that will help them.

Give us this day the Bread of life, O God.

Thank you for Jesus Christ, the Bread of heaven, in whom we find the sustenance that gives us life in you. Forgive us on the one hand for our sometimes failure to partake adequately of that Bread through prayer, worship, service, and Communion; forgive us on the other hand for our sometimes hoarding of that Bread as if we are not called to share it with others. Make us mindful of those who do not have that Bread; help us to live our lives in ways that will show them that there is Bread available that will give them life.


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