Friday, November 9, 2012

A Prayer for Friday, November 9, 2012


O God,

Our past is behind us; our future is ahead of us. So in a very real sense, today is the only day we have; in fact, this moment is all that we really and truly have.

Help us, then, to live fully in the present, to live fully in the moment that we have. Help us to be grateful for each breath that we take, for each thought that we think, for each blink that our eyes blink, for each beat that our heart beats and for each insight that our mind has.

Help us to live fully in the present, to live fully in the moment that we have. Help us to listen carefully to the person talking with us, to work attentively on the task in front of us, to think clearly about the situation confronting us, and to care deeply about the people around us.

Help us, in other words, to be fully present in the present.

And keep us ever mindful that you are also fully present in our present.


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