Friday, January 4, 2013

A Prayer for Friday, January 4, 2013

Eleventh Day of Christmas

O God,

We praise you that the baby Jesus who was born in Bethlehem as God Incarnate grew up to be the adult Jesus who as God Incarnate immersed himself in the suffering and pain of the people around him, taking that suffering and pain on himself and bringing healing and peace to those people.

We praise you for your continuing incarnation in your Church, which is the Body of Christ in which the Holy Spirit dwells. We praise you that we are called and empowered to immerse ourselves in the suffering and pain of those around us and, by your grace and love, to help.

Forgive us when we fail to be present with those who need you and us the most.

Strengthen us when we immerse ourselves in the lives of the hurting, the marginalized, and the oppressed.


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