Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Prayer for Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Moore, Oklahoma

On the people who lost their loved ones, on the families who lost their homes, on the children who lost their sense of safety and security, and on the workers who lost their places of employment – pour out your mercy, O God.

On the teachers who shielded their children, on the meteorologists who gave as much warning as they could, on the community leaders who planned ahead for such an event, and on the relief organizations that always stand ready to help – pour out your grace, O God.

On the first responders who saved precious lives and recovered precious remains, on the searchers who are still searching, on the agencies and organizations that are offering help, on the medical personnel who are tending to the injured, on the ministers and others who are giving the gift of presence, and on the friends who are being friends – pour out your strength, O God.

Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.


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