Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Prayer for Thursday, June 13, 2013

Choices, Part 9

O God,

Help us to choose selflessness over selfishness.

Help us first to be aware of our selves. After all, we need to know who we are before we can know what it means to give ourselves up. Cause us to take the time and to make the effort to be reflective so that we can have adequate insight into ourselves so as to make informed and careful decisions rather than respond to situations and to people in impulsive ways—unless and until sacrifice becomes our default reaction.

Help us second to be aware of situations that call us to give ourselves up for the sake of another or for the sake of others. Keep us alert to our tendency to want to protect self and let your love in us overcome that tendency when we need to risk ourselves for someone else’s sake. Help us always to be growing in thinking more of others than we do of ourselves.

Help us finally to be aware of the presence of Christ in us, a presence that makes an attitude and lifestyle of selflessness possible. Cause us to grow in him because as we do, his approach to people and to life will come more and more to influence ours.

Help us to choose selflessness over selfishness.


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