Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Prayer for Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Both, Part 16

O God,

Help us to be aware both of what we can see and what we can’t see.

Help us to keep our eyes open to what is going on around us in plain sight. Keep us alert to the blessings and to the challenges of living in this good and difficult world; keep us alert to what is going on in our lives and to what other people allow us to see about what is going in theirs.

Help us also to keep our eyes open to what is going on in and around us that is hidden from ordinary view. Keep us alert to what it happening in us and to others that can only be perceived through patience and through sensitivity; keep us alert to what is happening in history and in the universe that can only be perceived through faith, hope, and love.

Help us to be aware both of what we can see and what we can’t.


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