Friday, August 2, 2013

A Prayer for Friday, August 2, 2013

Both, Part 19

O God,

Help us to seek understanding of both what we can see and what we can’t see.

We can see our bodies, for example—at least we can see the skin that covers our bodies. But we can’t see our organs, our corpuscles, our arteries, our atoms, or our quarks. We can see the moon, some stars, and some other heavenly bodies, but we can’t see the vast majority of what makes up the universe. We can see some of what you are doing in our lives and in the world, but we can’t see much of it. We can see what other people let us see of their lives; we can’t see the rest of who they are. We can see the words on a page but we can’t see all that went into the making of the words and all that is potentially present on the other side of those words. We can see the physical but we can’t see the spiritual.

And yet, what we can’t see is there as surely as what we can see is there; what we can’t see is important as surely as what we can see is important.

Thank you for those who, because they have instruments, viewpoints, experiences, and education that we don’t have, are able to see what we can’t see and to help us to broaden our view.

Make us more aware of all that is there but keep us aware that we can’t know all that is there; give us a humble inquisitiveness …


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