Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Prayer for Wednesday, January 8, 2014


O God,

Help us to grow in authenticity; help us always to be becoming who you made us to be.

Thank you for making us and for giving us the opportunity to experience growth and progress. Thank you that you can and will work through our circumstances and choices to form us into more authentic beings; give us grace to work through and to be open to how you work through our circumstances and choices to form us into the most authentic selves that we can be.

Help us to grow in our awareness of the layers of protection we have over the years laid over ourselves and to let you help us to peel them away. At the same time, help us to grow in our awareness of the positive ways that we have grown and to let you help us to develop and to increase them.

These lives are a gift; give us grace to live them honestly and fully.


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