Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Prayer for Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Lord’s Day

O God,

During this church year we have remembered, celebrated, and reflected on all that you have done, are doing, and will do in your Son, through your Spirit, and in, with, and through your people.

Here on this last Sunday of the church year we proclaim the reality that Christ is King and reaffirm our allegiance to him.

Help us better to see what it means for Christ to be King.
Help us to mean it when we give our lives to him.

Help us to learn better what it means that you raised Jesus from the dead after he had humbled himself to the point of death through living a life of obedience to you that showed itself in sacrificial service; especially help us to learn what that means for the ways that you call us to live.

As we proclaim today that Christ is King, let us remember that we are also proclaiming that we are his subjects.

Let us love like he loved, let us serve like he served, and let us sacrifice like he sacrificed …


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