Friday, December 5, 2014

A Prayer for Friday, December 5, 2014

Sixth Day of Advent

O God,

For what are we asking when we ask you to come to us today?

Are we asking for what already is? Perhaps we would do better to ask that we would be more aware of and more open to your coming to us.

Are we asking for your comfort and for your encouragement? There is no doubt that we need them. But perhaps we would do well to ask also for your summons and for your challenge and for courage to rise to meet them.

Are we asking for ourselves? That’s ok because that’s where we start but it’s not ok if that’s where we end. So please come to others—please come to all—so that we might together know your love and grace and so that we might move toward being one people under you.

Thank you for coming to us today. Thank you for allowing us to grow in our awareness of your presence and of its implications for our lives ....


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