Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A Prayer for Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Seventeenth Day of Advent

O God,

Some of our friends and family members—maybe some of us—feel all alone.

Some of our friends and family members—maybe some of us—feel like no one understands.

Some of our friends and family members—maybe some of us—feel unknown and unloved.

Please open their hearts—please open our hearts—to your presence.

Please help them—please help us—to be present with each other.

Help us to know that as long as you are there—and you always will be there—we are never alone.

Give us friends—and help us to be friends—whose commitment is based on your grace and love.

Cause our friends and family members—cause us—to know that we are never alone, that we are always understood, and that we are always known and loved. And help us to relate to one another in ways that will help us all to know and never to forget …


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