Friday, February 6, 2015

A Prayer for Friday, February 6, 2015


O God,

Help us to get better at listening.

Help us to get better at listening to you. Let our prayers be as much about listening to you as about talking to you. Help us to listen for the whisperings of your Spirit as we go about living our lives. Give us discernment to differentiate between the voice of false gods and your voice. Then let us listen to what you are telling us.

Help us to get better at listening to ourselves. Help us to grow in our knowledge of who you made us to be and of what it means for us to live with integrity. Give us discernment to differentiate between the voices of our false selves and the voice of our true self. Then let us listen to what our true self is telling us.

Help us to get better at listening to each other. Help us to grow in our understanding of other cultures, of other experiences, and of other perspectives. Give us a grace-fueled stance of acceptance rather than a fear-induced stance of judgmentalism. Let us listen to each other so that we can learn from one another.

Help us to get better at listening to our planet. Help us to grow in our understanding of the ways in which it speaks to us. Let us especially learn to hear when it tries to tell us that we are putting it under stress that is hard for it to bear.

Help us to get better at listening.

And when we really hear, let us act on what we have heard in ways that constitute a genuine response …


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