Monday, February 9, 2015

A Prayer for Monday, February 9, 2015


O God,

When we recall the past, help us to do so accurately. Help us to remember the facts of what happened as clearly as we can. Help us to remember that our memory is shaped by our perspective, by our needs, and by our wishes; show us how to remember well without putting complete trust in our memory.

When we recall the past, help us to do so imaginatively. Give us the ability to imagine how you were at work in what was going on. Give us the ability to discern between what you were doing and what we wanted you to be doing. Shape our memory so that it puts past events in their appropriate place within your purposes.

When we recall the past, help us to do so gracefully. Let our memories be full of grace; protect us from inordinate regret, from paralyzing guilt, and from excessive second guessing. Give us grace to forgive others and to forgive ourselves. Help us to learn from our mistakes without dwelling on them.

When we recall the past, help us to do so constructively. Help us to view the past as preparation for the present; let us apply the lessons of the past to our current situation. Help us to use the pieces of the past to construct something better in the present. Show us how to use the past to build up and not to tear down our relationship with you, our acceptance of ourselves, our relationship with others, and our role in the world.


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