Monday, March 9, 2015

A Prayer for Monday, March 9, 2015

Seventeenth Day of Lent

O God,

Help us to remember what the future is for.

Help us to remember that the future is there to give us hope—hope that we will grow in our knowledge of you until one day we will know you as fully as we can, hope that we will grow beyond our sin and guilt and into a full embrace of your mercy and forgiveness, and hope that we will live more and more in love until someday love is all there is.

Help us also to remember what the future is not for.

Help us to remember that the future is not there to give us an excuse—an excuse not to do all we can do now to help make things better because things are never going to be as good now as they will be someday, an excuse not to undertake the hard work of spiritual transformation because one day we will be instantly transformed, or an excuse not to pay attention to what is happening now because we are too busy speculating about what will happen then.

Thank you that the future gives us hope that you are indeed working your purposes out and that one day you will make things as they ought to be.

Thank you that we have the privilege of being inspired by that future to do all that we can now …


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