Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A Prayer for Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Thirty-First Day of Lent

O God,

Thank you for the clean water we have to drink;
forgive us for not caring about those who do not have clean water to drink.

Thank you for the abundant food we have to eat;
forgive us for not caring about those who do not have adequate food to eat.

Thank you for the safe and adequate housing in which we live;
forgive us for not caring about those who do not have safe and adequate housing.

Thank you for the health care to which we have access;
forgive us for not caring about those who do not have access to health care.

Thank you for the stable society in which we participate;
forgive us for not caring about those who do not live in a stable society.

Thank you for the assumption of innocence under which we live;
forgive us for not caring about those who live under an assumption of guilt.

Thank you for the freedoms of religion and expression under which we live;
forgive us for not caring about those who do not have the freedoms of religion and expression.

Thank you for the opportunities of improvement and advancement that we enjoy;
forgive us for not caring about those who do not have the opportunity to improve and to advance.

Thank you for all the blessings that we have;
forgive us for not wanting everybody else to have such blessings.


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