Saturday, January 2, 2016

A Prayer for Saturday, January 2, 2016

Ninth Day of Christmas

O God,

We praise you because your fullness
was pleased to dwell in Jesus Christ.

We praise you because you dwell as
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in your Church.

Help us as your Church to live out your
presence in us in the same ways that
Jesus lived out your presence in him.

Help us to embrace and to
express hope in all we do.

Let us live fully in the present.

But let our present living be empowered
and encouraged by our future hope.

Remind us that we are always being pulled
forward by the future that is ours in you.

Let that future inspire us to do all we
can to make things better in the present.

Help us to remain aware that, while resurrection
is in our future, crucifixion must come first.

So help us to live in hope even when we are dying.

Fill us with hope even as we lay down our lives
in obedience to you and in service to others.


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