Monday, June 27, 2016

A Prayer for Monday, June 27, 2016


O God,

Now that Great Britain has voted to leave the European Union, things are happening—even though it will be a long time before they actually depart.

Regret is happening. Lots of folks regret the decision. Many have signed a petition calling for a revote.

Political upheaval is happening. The Prime Minister has announced his resignation. Many members of the shadow cabinet have resigned.

Economic turmoil is happening. Global markets are losing huge amounts of value.

Uncertainty is happening. Nobody knows how it will all turn out.

Help us learn what we need to learn from Brexit.

Help us learn that participation in the process matters, that decisions have consequences, and that the nations of the world are closely connected.

Help us learn to trust in you, no matter what chaos seems poised to envelop us.

Bless the people of Great Britain, of Europe, and of the world with trust, peace, and hope.

Bless the leaders of nations with wisdom, insight, and courage.

Help us all to trust in you.

Help us all to think clearly and to act wisely.


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