Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Prayer for Saturday, June 30, 2012


We get in the car or on the plane or on the train and we go; we are a mobile society. Like most things that are a part of our way of life, we take the ability to travel and the privilege of traveling for granted.

Thank you, O God, for all the places there are to go, for all the sights there are to see, and for all the people there are to experience.

Thank you, O God, for all the people who build and maintain the machines in which we travel, the stations through which we travel, and the roads and tracks by which we travel.

Thank you, O God, for the safety in which we travel and for those whose life work it is to keep us safe.

Help us to remember, O God, that no matter where we go and no matter how we go, you always go with us.


Friday, June 29, 2012

A Prayer for Friday, June 29, 2012


Lord, let me make myself clear; that is, when I feel the need to express my opinion, let me be as straightforward and honest as I can be.

Lord, let me be clear; that is, when I am speaking or writing or posting—indeed, when I am living—let me be as transparent and open as I can be.

Lord, give me as much clarity in my identity, in my perspective, and in my communication as I can possibly have.


Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Prayer for Thursday, June 28, 2012


To have compassion for someone is to “feel with” her or him.

We confess our inability, O Lord, to put ourselves in other people’s place and to understand fully how life is affecting them. We also confess our sometimes unwillingness even to try.

Forgive us for when we fail to be inspired to go to great lengths to exhibit compassion by the great lengths to which you have gone to exhibit your great compassion for us, especially in the way that the Passion of your Son Jesus was an act of compassion for us.

Fill us with compassion, O Lord.

Help us to grow toward the ideal of always having our first thought be of others and not of ourselves.

Help us to grow toward the ideal of having our first thought about others be a thought not of judgment but of compassion.

Help us to grow toward the ideal of having our thoughts of compassion lead to acts of compassion.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Prayer for Wednesday, June 27, 2012


We are obliged to you, O God, in the sense that we are grateful for your great grace, love, mercy, and patience.

We are obliged to you, O God, in the sense that as your worshipers and followers we are bound, through the example of your Son and with the help of your Spirit, always to be moving toward being who you want us to be and doing what you want us to do.

Help us today, O God, to live our lives so that they honor the ways in which we are obliged to you.

Help us to perform the duties we are obliged to perform and to be inspired to do so by all that we are obliged to you for doing for us and in us.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Prayer for Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Every day we use things; every day we use items, equipment, processes, and procedures in order to accomplish those tasks, jobs, and goals that we need to accomplish.

Help us, O God, to use what we use with care and with gratitude.

Deliver us, O God, from the sin of ever seeing other people as things to be used to accomplish what we need to accomplish.

Help us rather to see ourselves as fully human partners with them and to see them as fully human partners with us in the pursuing of your will.

Help us, O God, to treat each other with care and with respect.


Monday, June 25, 2012


We all lean.

We might lean

right brain or left brain,
conservative or liberal,
traditional or contemporary,
management or labor,
Catholic or Baptist or Methodist or Pentecostal (or so on and so on),
Democrat or Republican,
introvert or extrovert,
calm or excitable,
Yankees or Mets,
American football or European football,

Whichever ways we lean, O Lord, help us always during this week and all weeks to lean mainly on you.


Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Prayer for Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Lord’s Day

On this Lord’s Day, O God, may we come to you just as we are, embracing the twin truths that we can be no other and that you know us better than we know ourselves.

On this Lord’s Day, O God, may we come to you just as you are, embracing the twin truths that you can be no other and that while we don’t know you nearly as well as we may think we do, you have blessed us with the witness of Jesus and with the presence of the Holy Spirit so that we might know you better than we otherwise would.


Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Prayer for Saturday, June 23, 2012


Forgive us, O Lord, when we define ourselves only by what we aren’t—for when we think only in terms of “I’m not like that person over there or that person or that one or that one…”

Help us, O Lord, to define ourselves by what we are—consistently to seek to find and to develop our true identity and constantly to seek to discern your will so that we will think in terms of “I am this person right here…”

We pray this in the name of our Lord Jesus, the most completely self-aware person who ever lived.


Friday, June 22, 2012

A Prayer for Friday, June 22, 2012


Traveling puts us in contact with many servers, people who serve us at airports, at hotels, at restaurants, and at other places.

It’s their job and they are paid for it and we tip them for it.

Still, many of them have such a good attitude and spirit about them, even though we know that not all of their customers are appreciative of them and kind to them, that they make our experience more pleasant.

Bless them, O God, for their jobs are not easy to do because people are not easy to deal with.

And help us in our following of you, O God, to serve in the ways that you have called us to do and that Jesus has shown us how to do. Help us to give of ourselves with no thought of reward but with the knowledge that your way is characterized by giving and serving and that you will in the end vindicate that way.

When we serve, give us grace to deal with difficult people; when we are served, give us grace not to be difficult people to deal with.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Prayer for Thursday, June 21, 2012


To be where others have been,
to walk where others have walked,
to follow where others have led, and
to learn what others have taught…

that is what it is to live in light of history.

To be where no one has been,
to go where no one has gone,
to lead where others can follow, and
to learn better than what others have taught…

that is also what it is to live in light of history.

Help us, O God,

to learn well the lessons of history, whether that means to perpetuate them or to overcome them.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Prayer for Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Sometimes I think, O Lord, that we humans attempt some pretty audacious things in the ways that we try broaden our horizons, extend our influence, and explore our creativity.

Thank you for our audacity, especially for how it shows up in people who make audacious efforts to do audacious things that have the potential to help people who need help.

Forgive us for our audacity, especially for how it shows up in people who make audacious efforts to make profits for themselves with no thought of its cost to others and to make a name for themselves with no thought for the needs of billions of other people on the planet.

We thank you for the progress that audacity can bring.
We repent of the arrogance that audacity can bring.

We ask for the audacity that leads us to attempt things that are not only great but also good.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Prayer for Tuesday, June 19, 2012


It would be nice, O Lord, if we could always be nice.

But we can’t. And we shouldn’t.

Still, protect us from a self-centered and self-serving attitude that justifies in our minds the practice of acting mean and rude whenever we feel like it or whenever it suits our purposes.

People have enough burdens already without having us pile our ego-driven baggage on them.

At the same time, Lord, help us to be grown up enough to be responsible enough to express what needs to be expressed in a given situation and not always to just be nice for the sake of “peace.”

Help us to speak the truth in love and to take action in love when grace, mercy, love, and justice call for it.

No, we can’t always be nice and still be faithful.

Give us grace, though, always to be loving.


Monday, June 18, 2012

A Prayer for Monday, June 18, 2012


When we speak of a person’s profile, we may mean (1) a drawing or photograph of a portion of the person’s face, usually one side or the other, (2) a description in words of a person’s life, or (3) the nature of someone’s public life.

O God, as we live in this week and in all weeks, give us grace to live with ever-increasing integrity, with ever-increasing wholeness of personality, so that a snapshot of a piece of our life, a description of our total life, or an account of our public life would all look or sound the same.

You, and to a lesser extent we, know who we really are; help us to live out our true identity in all times, in all ways, and in all places.

And God, as we live in this week and in all weeks, give us grace, as we respond to other people, to remember that most of the time the only profile of them available to us is a side or otherwise partial view.

Hopefully what we see is what we get, but you, and to a lesser extent they, know whether or not that is the case; we don’t.

Grant that we and they will to the greatest extent possible always be who we and they really are; grant that we and they will try to know ourselves fully and will remember that we can know each other only partially.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Prayer for Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Lord’s Day

I started to pray, “Lord, let me focus on you in worship today.”

Then I thought, “No, I should pray, ‘Lord, let me relax so that I can focus on you rather than trying so hard to focus on you that I get distracted by my effort to focus on you.’”

Then I thought, “No, I should pray, ‘Lord, let your Spirit lead me into worship of you that is appropriate for this day.’”

Here is what I finally decided to pray: “Lord, here I am again, kind of together and kind of a mess, just like every other Lord’s Day and, for that matter, every other day. And Lord, here you are, almighty and lifted up and at the same time present and compassionate. Thank you for the time together. Whatever happens, happens. Amen.”

Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Prayer for Saturday, June 16, 2012


There is something about a gentle breeze that reminds us that the world is happening, that things are moving, and that nothing is ever really still.

Thank you, God, for the persistent reminders offered by the gentle breeze.

Let the breeze remind us of the ways your Spirit works in us, around us, and through us.

Keep us aware of the subtle prodding of your gentle Spirit.


Friday, June 15, 2012

A Prayer for Friday, June 15, 2012


We thank you, O God, for progress we have made in knowing who we are.

Thank you that over the years we have with your help and through hard work arrived at a better understanding of who you made us to be and of who we have become. Thank you for the creative tension we experience as we live in this identity as the people we have become who are still growing toward the people you are forming us to be.

Even as we at least partially know and accept who we are and who you are forming us to be, O God, we still wonder who else we are supposed to be. What are we missing? On what are we missing out? To what are we blind? Are there aspects to us of which we have little or even no clue?

Open our eyes, Lord—we want to see ourselves.

Open our lives, Lord—we want to be ourselves.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Prayer for Thursday, June 14, 2012


Thank you, God, for when we lose, because when we lose we are in a position to remember two very important truths that we too easily forget when we win: (1) we are totally dependent on you and (2) you love us not because of what we accomplish but because we are your children.

May the times in our lives when we lose involuntarily help to keep us aware that your Son taught us that the key to gaining our lives it to lose them voluntarily.

May the times in our lives when something is taken away from us help to keep us aware that your Son taught us that the key to gaining our lives is to give them away.

We don’t ask you to cause us to like losing, O God, but we do ask that you cause us to appreciate the ways it forces us to remember who we are called to be and how we are called to live.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Prayer for Wednesday, June 13, 2012


There are no set times when we transition from

childhood to youth,
youth to young adulthood,
young adulthood to middle age, or
middle age to old age.

The changes do come, though.

Still, we carry some aspects of our past phases of life into the phase in which we are currently living.

Lord, help us to carry the necessary and good from all the stages of our lives into our present experiences.

By your grace help us to leave behind what needs to be left behind and to assimilate what needs to be assimilated.

Help us to change—to age—gracefully, wisely, and willingly.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Prayer for Tuesday, June 12, 2012


There is a sense, O Lord, in which we are always at risk, regardless of how hard we try to avoid it. It can be a dangerous world, after all, and there seems to be a certain amount of randomness to it against which we cannot guard.

There is another sense, though, in which we can choose whether to place ourselves at risk. We can choose the degree to which we will experience our world, to which we will take chances in our career, and, especially, to which we will offer ourselves to other people in ways that make us vulnerable to rejection, to misunderstanding, to grief, and to hurt.

Give us trust, O Lord, to live with the risk to which we are exposed just by living in the world.

Give us wisdom, O Lord, to know, when we have a choice, which risks to take and which to avoid.

Give us love, O Lord, to be vulnerable in the ways that we risk ourselves in relationships with people.


Monday, June 11, 2012

A Prayer for Monday, June 11, 2012


Our lives are characterized by some amount of routine; we have certain things that we do every week on more or less the same schedule.

Thank you for our routines, O God, because we need some structure and predictability in our lives, especially given that so much of life is unstructured and unpredictable.

Immerse us in our routines, O God, because if we are not fully present in even the most mundane and ordinary things we may miss your presence in them.

At the same time, deliver us from a slavish devotion to our routines, because the interruption to or even the disruption of them may offer us the opportunity to see things a different way, to see someone that we might otherwise have ignored, or to experience you in a new way.

Thank you for the gift of the routine, O God.

Thank you for the gift of the broken routine, too.


Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Prayer for Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Lord’s Day

We call it a worship “service” because it is an act of service to you, O God, a presentation of our gifts, our lives, and our selves.

As we offer ourselves to you in worship today, remind us that the call to salvation is a call to follow Jesus and that to follow Jesus is to serve you by serving others.


Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Prayer for Saturday, June 9, 2012


When we have some time off, O Lord, be it one day or several days, lead us to use it in ways that will restore our minds, our spirits, and our hopes.

Use the work of our hands to restore our creativity.
Use the relaxation of our bodies to restore our energy.
Use the contemplations of our hearts to restore our faith.
Use the fellowship of our family and friends to restore our community.
Use the cessation of our work to restore our trust.

Help our time off to be time spent restoring our relationship with ourselves, with others, and with you.


Friday, June 8, 2012

A Prayer for Friday, June 8, 2012


We thank you, O God, for those possessions that amount to an extension of ourselves and thus are very meaningful to us: a cherished house, family pictures, a favorite chair, a treasured book, or a particular spot in our yard, for example.

Please give us an increasing awareness that even those possessions that mean the most to us are gifts from you that are meant to enhance our experience of life but not to give ultimate meaning to our life.

Let us be grateful for the privilege of having and enjoying them but protect us from hoarding and clinging to them in a way that shows that we place too much trust and find too much security in them.

Constantly remind us that whether or not our treasured possessions remain ours, we always remain yours.

Help us to go in the strength offered by you through what is ours to offer ourselves to those who are still searching for what is truly theirs.


Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Prayer for Thursday, June 7, 2012


Today we will touch lives with love and influence people with grace—and we will be aware that it has happened; today we will touch lives with love and influence people with grace—and we will be unaware that it has happened.

Today we will touch lives through rejection and influence people through indifference—and we will be aware that it has happened; today we will touch lives through rejection and influence people through indifference—and we will be unaware that it has happened.

We thank you, O God, for the privilege to touch people in the ways your Son teaches us to touch them; we are humbled when we know it has happened because we made the intentional effort to do so and are gratified when we don’t know it has happened because by your grace and Spirit it just came naturally to us.

We repent, O God, for our failure to touch people in the ways your Son teaches us to touch them; we hurt when we know it has happened because we made the conscious decision not to do it and we hurt over the times when we don’t know it has happened because, due to our busyness or self-centeredness or apathy, our neglect just came naturally to us.

Keep us unaware of the good we do that comes naturally.
Make us more aware of the good we fail to do that comes naturally.


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Prayer for Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Give us success today, O Lord.

If we could make a profit in our business or make some gains in our productivity or have an idea for a new project or get recognized for our good work—well, that would be nice.

Mainly, though, Lord, give us success today in the areas that, based on the life and teachings of our Savior Jesus Christ, matter the most.

Give us success in loving you with all we are, in loving our neighbor as we love ourselves, in putting the needs of others ahead of our own, in giving ourselves up for the sake of the suffering and marginalized, in praying for our enemies, in forgiving those who harm us, and in trusting you in everything.

Give us peace in knowing that such success is seldom noticed by others and give us joy in knowing that such success is always noticed by you.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Prayer for Tuesday, June 5, 2012


On the one hand, potential is a blessing because we always have room to grow, to mature, and to develop.

On the other hand, potential is a curse because we live with the knowledge that we will never be all that we could be.

So Lord, give us grace and strength to grab hold of our potential and to do all we can with it. Cause us to be inspired that we can today make a little bit of progress and deliver us from frustration when we don’t make as much as we’d like.

Help us, even as we make the best effort we can to develop our potential, to rely on your grace rather than on our ability.


Monday, June 4, 2012

A Prayer for Monday, June 4, 2012


As we journey through this week, O Lord, we will have constant choices as to the way we will take.

Sometimes it won’t matter much whether we take this way or that way but sometimes it will matter very much—and most of the time we will have a hard time telling just how much it will or won’t matter.

We acknowledge that one way is not as good as another but we also acknowledge that while often the line between a good and bad choice is clear that between a good and better one is not.

So Lord, we submit all of our choices to you and we trust you to give us the wisdom to follow your guidance and to use our best judgment.

We trust you as well to help and bless us even when we choose the less good way.


Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Prayer for Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Lord’s Day

We worship you today, O God, as Almighty God who is at the same time majestic and personal, unfathomable and accessible, and incomprehensible and available.

You are high and lifted up and you are far more than our minds could ever imagine, and so we praise you for the grace that led you to reveal yourself to us as the Father who loves us, as the Son who shows us your way, and as the Spirit who remains with us.


Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Prayer for Saturday, June 2, 2012


In this life we experience struggle and sorrow.

But in this life we also experience play and fun.

Thank you, God, for the fun.

Thank you for the fun of—

--spending good time with good friends;
--reading a good book;
--watching a good movie;
--playing catch with a child;
--playing fetch with a dog;
--rocking a baby;
--playing ball;
--watching a favorite team play ball;
--being entertained by a cat;
--taking a walk on a beautiful day;
--enjoying a concert;
--eating a fine meal;
--telling or hearing a funny story—

--and so much more.

In this life we have to deal with much that is hard.

Thank you, O God, for the gift of fun.


Friday, June 1, 2012

A Prayer for Friday, June 1, 2012


Come, Lord Jesus!

We praise you that you have already come, that by the Spirit of God you came to this world through Mary and that by the Spirit of God you have come into the lives of all your children, including us.

We look for your coming to your Church, to your world, and to your followers in familiar and in unexpected ways today and all days.

We anticipate your coming again to make all things as they should be and to finish the work of forming us into who we are supposed to be.

Cause our waiting to be an active, trusting, hopeful, encouraged, encouraging, sharing, and serving waiting.

Come, Lord Jesus!
