Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Prayer for Saturday, July 28, 2012


A certain amount of competition is inevitable, necessary, and even desirable in our lives.

In athletic events the goal is to compete with so as to try to finish ahead of the other participants.
In business the goal is to compete with so as to try to do better business than those in the same business.
In politics the goal is to compete with so as to try to defeat the one running against us or the ones putting forward a different plan than ours.

Competition can make us better. It can also make us worse if winning becomes our only purpose and if power becomes more important to us than people.

So help us, O God, alongside and even above our spirit of competition, to maintain, grow, and develop a sense of cooperation with those around us. Balance and even over-balance our desire to come out on top with a desire to give ourselves up appropriately for the sake of others. Cause us to be motivated by love and grace even in those areas of life that demand an attitude of competition.

In other words, O God, help us to live as followers of Jesus Christ in the real world.


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