Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Prayer for Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Lord’s Day

We worship you today, O God, who are the eternal God, the God who is above, beyond, and outside of time. We also worship you today, O God, as the God who in your grace has entered into, continues to enter into, and will enter into the limits of time for your glory and for our sake.

We bring all of our times before you in worship today, O God.

We bring our past, all that has come before that helps to make us into who we now are.

We bring our present, all that we now we are, all that we now do, and all the relationships that we now have.

We bring our future, trusting in hope that you are in your creation, in this world, and in our lives working your purposes out and that in that working out of your purposes you are moving us farther along in the eternal life that we by your grace share with you.

May we, temporal beings who by your grace enter into eternity, in our time of worship today focus on you, the eternal God who by your grace enters into time.


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