Sunday, November 30, 2014

A Prayer for Sunday, November 30, 2014

First Sunday of Advent

O God,

As we anticipate the celebration of the coming of your Son to Bethlehem’s manger and as we anticipate the coming of your Son when he gathers all things and all of his people to himself, let us anticipate his coming to us right here and right now.

Let us be especially mindful of how he comes to us in people on whom we are inclined to look down rather than in whom we are inclined to look for you, namely the weak, the poor, the oppressed, and the vulnerable among us.

As we look up in anticipation of your Second Coming, let us also look around for the people in whom you will come to us today.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!


Saturday, November 29, 2014

A Prayer for Saturday, November 29, 2014


O God,

Help me

to love my life
valuing it over the lives of others,

to practice my faith
denigrating the faith of others,

to make my living
doing so on the backs of others,

to express my position
disregarding the position of others,


to celebrate my heritage
devaluing the heritage of others.


Friday, November 28, 2014

A Prayer for Friday, November 28, 2014


O God,

Grant that we will have an appreciation for the good things in life but protect us from an obsession with attaining them.

Grant that we will cherish the relationships in life but protect us from the tendency to cling to them.

Grant that we will be grateful for the necessities of life but protect us from a desire to hoard them. 


Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Prayer for Thursday, November 27, 2014


O God,

Thank you for all of the blessings of life.

Forgive us when we are careless about how we think about those blessings. Forgive us when we let ourselves nurture a sense of entitlement or develop a sense of pride. Never let us forget that you cause the rain to fall on the just and the unjust and so our reception of natural and material blessings proves nothing about our character and says nothing about our worthiness.

Help us instead to develop true gratitude; help us to remember that no matter how hard we work for what we have or no matter how unexpected our success has been, we finally would be nothing and have nothing apart from your grace.

Let our gratitude be expressed in the practical thanksgiving of generosity; let us be inspired by what we have been given to give in return.

Let our thanksgiving be a whole-hearted thanksgiving but at the same time let it be a restless thanksgiving; let our gratitude be a sincere gratitude but at the same time let it be an uneasy gratitude; let our satisfaction be a thorough satisfaction but at the same time let it be an incomplete satisfaction.

Let us not be at ease so long as there is anyone who does not have the blessings that we have. Give us a perpetual desire and willingness to do what we can to help anyone that we can help; give us courage to work to overcome the powers and to change the structures that keep people from knowing the basic blessings of life.

Thank you for all the blessings of life.

Please give those who lack them the same blessings.

As we look forward to that time when we will all be blessed in your eternal presence, let us do all that we can to move closer to a situation here and now in which we can celebrate together our mutual reception of the blessings of life.

After all, we are already here together and you are already here with us …


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Prayer for Wednesday, November 26, 2014


O God,

Thank you for who you in your grace made me to be.

Thank you for who you in your grace made everybody else to be, too. Some of us happen to be black, some brown, and some white. Whatever we look like on the outside, form us on the inside to be people who experience and share love, grace, and mercy and who practice acceptance and understanding.

Protect us from inordinate pride in our skin tone; after all, we had nothing to do with it.
Protect us from the unthinking assumption that everyone should experience life as we do.
Protect us from using our history to excuse our attitudes and actions while criticizing others for doing the same.

Help us to remember—and to talk and act in ways that show we remember—that we are all indeed precious in your sight.

Help us to remember—and to talk and act in ways that show we remember—that we are finally all members of the same race—the human race.

Help us to remember—and to talk and act in ways that show we remember—that what unites us is stronger and more important than what separates us.

Help us to remember—and to talk and act in ways that show we remember—that the road is long and the way is hard and that we really, really need each other as we travel it.

Help us to remember—and to talk and act in ways that show we remember—that you are in the process of bringing all things together in your Son and that as your children we are to contribute to that process.

Let us grow every day in seeing each other as you see us and in loving each other as you love all of us.


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Prayer for Tuesday, November 25, 2014


O God,

Help us to show appropriate restraint in the words we speak and in the actions we take in response to the situations we face, particularly those situations that threaten us and thus cause us to want to respond out of pride, anger, or fear.

At the same time, help us to show no restraint in the ways in which we speak and act in the pursuit and practice of love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, fairness, and understanding.


Monday, November 24, 2014

A Prayer for Monday, November 24, 2014


O God,

Here we are at the beginning of another week.

Here we are

with our hopes and dreams,
with our doubts and fears,
with our goals and aims,
with our history and potential,
with our ideals and realities.

Here we are, about to try again to get it right—or at least to get it more right.

Here we are asking for your help again.

Here we are trusting in your grace and in your guidance.

Here we are.

Here we go …


Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Prayer for Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Lord’s Day

O God,

During this church year we have remembered, celebrated, and reflected on all that you have done, are doing, and will do in your Son, through your Spirit, and in, with, and through your people.

Here on this last Sunday of the church year we proclaim the reality that Christ is King and reaffirm our allegiance to him.

Help us better to see what it means for Christ to be King.
Help us to mean it when we give our lives to him.

Help us to learn better what it means that you raised Jesus from the dead after he had humbled himself to the point of death through living a life of obedience to you that showed itself in sacrificial service; especially help us to learn what that means for the ways that you call us to live.

As we proclaim today that Christ is King, let us remember that we are also proclaiming that we are his subjects.

Let us love like he loved, let us serve like he served, and let us sacrifice like he sacrificed …


Saturday, November 22, 2014

A Prayer for Saturday, November 22, 2014


O God,

We live complicated lives and
deal with complicated situations
in this complicated world.

At the heart of who we are,
help us to keep it simple.

Let us base our lives

on simple faith,
on simple love,
on simple grace,
on simple hope,
on simple needs,
on simple wants,
on simple words.

After all, your Son put it pretty simply
when he told us how to live:

love God, love others.

Help us to base our lives
on those simple commitments …


Friday, November 21, 2014

A Prayer for Friday, November 21, 2014


O God,

According to your Book, you are in Christ bringing all things together; you are in Christ making all things one.

That’s an amazing goal considering the expansiveness of the Universe and the diversity among people.

But you are God and if that’s what you say you’re doing then that’s what you’re doing. We acknowledge that we can celebrate it but that we can’t understand it.

So we thank you for what you are doing and we ask that you give us grace, love, and determination to participate in and to contribute to what you are doing.

Help us to commit our lives to helping bring things together; help us to live in pursuit of greater understanding of your Creation and to support those who give their lives to the pursuit of understanding it so that we can better comprehend the ways in which this planet and this Universe work so that we can participate better in your work of bringing all things together.

Help us to commit our lives to helping bring people together; help us to live in pursuit of greater understanding of, respect for, and concern for each other. Show us how to seek unity in our families, in our churches, in our communities, in our nation, and in our world. Give us a commitment to peace with a goal of not just reducing conflict but of building real relationships.

We praise you for what you are doing to bring all people and all things together.
We ask you to give us courage and commitment to be a part of it.


Thursday, November 20, 2014

A Prayer for Thursday, November 20, 2014


O God,

Here we go again—talking to you again, calling on you again, pouring our heart out to you again, begging for your help again, and assuming that you hear us again.

It is all so audacious.

After all, you are God—the Creator and Sustainer of all that is—and we can’t get our minds around much of what is, much less around all that is, much less around the One who makes it all and who holds it all together.

And we are—well, we are us, and we know full well, whether or not we will admit it, that we are not able to comprehend you and that we are not worthy to come into your presence, much less to come to you with the needs and concerns of our little lives.

As if you, Almighty God, care.

Yet here we are—with our lack of understanding and limited perspective, with our doubts and fears, with our hopes and dreams, with our disappointments and successes, with our sins and failings, with our mixed motives and confused thinking, with our love and apathy—believing, as incredible as it sounds when we stop and think about it, that you know about us and that you care about us.

We can believe it because of Jesus; we can believe it because you sent him to show us that you know us, that you understand us, that you care about us, and that you love us.

So here we are again, not in our name and for our sake, but in Jesus’ name and for his sake.

O God, thank you for sending Jesus into this world. Thank you for sending Jesus into our lives. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for caring about us.

Thank you that because of Jesus our prayers, while still audacious, are not ridiculous …


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A Prayer for Wednesday, November 19, 2014


O God,

Thank you for
always being with us.

Make and keep us aware that
we are always with you.

Help us to be
with each other;
help us to be
with our family members,
with our friends,
with our neighbors,
with people we know,
with people we’ll never meet.

Remind us constantly that
we are part of a great worldwide
and even cosmic community;
help us to live as responsible
and contributing members
of that community.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Prayer for Tuesday, November 18, 2014


O God,

Help me to grow in my faith
to a point where I can say

that I don’t worry,
that I don’t fear,
that I don’t manipulate,
that I don’t plot,
that I don’t attempt to control.

Help me to grow in my love
to a point where I can never say

that I don’t care,
that I don’t feel,
that I don’t try,
that I don’t give,
that I don’t attempt to help.


Monday, November 17, 2014

A Prayer for Monday, November 17, 2014


O God,

This week, if it is like all other weeks, will be filled with surprises. Let that reality be for us a source of anticipation and excitement rather than a source of fear and anxiety.

Thank you that we cannot know what is coming; thank you that we have so little control over what will come into our lives.

After all, if we were in control we would likely make a pretty big mess of things, given how we tend to be driven by pride and ego and self-interest.

Help us to take things as they come; help us to anticipate unexpected developments and to look forward to unimaginable opportunities.

Help us to grow in our ability to be flexible and adaptable.

When the surprises come, let us treat them as opportunities to change, to grow, and to live.


Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Prayer for Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Lord’s Day

O God,

Thank you for the vital reminders offered to us in baptism and in the Lord’s Supper.

Thank you that we are reminded of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as we experience or witness the act of being buried with Christ and of being raised to new life in him.

Thank you that we are reminded of the death and of the coming again of Jesus Christ as we partake of the bread and cup that represent his body and blood in order to remember his death until he comes.

Thank you for vital reminders of who you are and of what your Son did, is doing, and will do.

Thank you for vital reminders that we are in Christ and that Christ is in us …


Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Prayer for Saturday, November 15, 2014


O God,

Help us to grow ever more open

to other ideas,
to other perspectives,
to other positions,
to other possibilities

so that we will be
open to life in its fullness
open to people in their variety.

Most of all,
help us to grow ever more open
to you so that we will
in all things,
in all situations,
in all people—
indeed, in all of life—
come to know you better
and grow in knowing
and in sharing
your grace, love, and mercy.


Friday, November 14, 2014

A Prayer for Friday, November 14, 2014


O God,

Make us near-sighted; help us to be earthly-minded enough to be earthly good. Help us to pay close attention to the problems of this day and age so that we might contribute to the solutions. Help us to pay close attention to the opportunities of this day and age so that we might take full advantage of them. Help us to pay close attention to the people who are here with us so that we might be true friends of theirs, true servants to them, and true partners with them.

Make us far-sighted; help us to be heavenly-minded so that we can be even more earthly good. Help us to keep our hearts and minds set on eternity so that we can bring eternal truths and realities into the here and now. Help us in our earthly pilgrimage to live in light of our heavenly citizenship. When it comes to the problems and challenges besetting all of the residents of this planet, help us even as we deal with short-term situations to work toward long-term solutions. Help us in our approaches to the problems of society and of the world to think not of ourselves but of our children; help us to think not only of our children but of our descendants who will live in a time so distant that we can barely imagine it.

Help us, O God, simultaneously to see up close and to see far away. Then lead us to act in light of what you let us see.


Thursday, November 13, 2014

A Prayer for Thursday, November 13, 2014


O God,

Thank you

for painters,
for sculptors,
for poets,
for essayists,
for songwriters,
for musicians,
for singers,
for photographers,
for filmmakers,


for all of the dreamers, visionaries, and artists
who remind us of what is beautiful in life


who call us to pay attention to it.

Sometimes we really need their reminders …


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A Prayer for Wednesday, November 12, 2014


O God,

It’s a simple image: if we pour more water into a bowl than the bowl can contain, the water will spill out of the bowl.

Please let us be such a vessel. Please pour so much of your grace, love, and mercy into us that they spill out of us.

But don’t let that overflow be wasted; let it pour out of us directly onto other people.

Once others experience some of that overflow, fill them up so much with your grace, love, and mercy that they spill out of them onto other people.

And so on, and so on, and so on …


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Prayer for Tuesday, November 11, 2014


O God,

For those who have served and who are serving in the armed forces, we give you thanks.

Thank you for the ways in which they have given and give of themselves in order to secure and to protect the liberty that we enjoy here in America. We are grateful for the sacrifices that they and their families have made and are making that they might be in a position to protect and defend us.

Thank you for the ways in which so many of our veterans continue to live and serve following their military service; we are grateful for the love they offer their families and for the service they continue to render in their communities.

Help those veterans who are struggling; some of them will deal for the rest of their lives with physical injuries sustained in combat while others are dealing with mental and emotional issues in the wake of their service. Bless and strengthen them and their families; inspire us to offer all of the help and support that they need.

While we thank you that our veterans have fought when necessary in order to restore peace, we also thank you for the ways in which their very presence helps to maintain and preserve peace.

Thank you also for those who, while not in the military, give of themselves in order to promote peace and to avoid and limit the need for war. Thank you for our government leaders, for our diplomats, for our emissaries, for Peace Corps volunteers, for humanitarian organizations, for Non-Governmental Organizations, for civic organizations, and for all other individuals and groups that work to promote international understanding and to improve international relationships so that war will be less necessary.

In whatever capacity and in whatever place we serve, O God, make us instruments of your peace.


Monday, November 10, 2014

A Prayer for Monday, November 10, 2014


O God,

Make us ready for
whatever this week will bring.

There are things that
we expect to happen.

There are things that
we don’t expect to happen.

There are things that
we never in our wildest dreams
imagined might possibly happen.

The bottom line is that
we don’t know what’s coming.

Give us hope enough that
our unknowing is a source of
anticipation rather than of anxiety.

Give us faith enough that
our experiences are an opportunity for
trust rather than for fear.

Give us love enough that
whatever comes we will embrace it
as a chance to serve you and to serve others.

Make us ready for whatever
this week will bring.

Help us to remember that
you are in it all and that
you are with us in it all.


Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Prayer for Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Lord’s Day

O God,

Once again we will come before you today
trying with all our might to look better than we are.

But the truth is, as you know, that we are a mess.
We praise you today because you love us in our messiness.

Thank you for loving us as we really are
and for loving us even when we try
to deny and to hide who we really are.

Forgive us for when we tell ourselves that
we are trying to offer our best to you when
in fact we are trying to look our best for others.

Help us in our worship today
to come before you with all of our messiness,
to lay it before you, and
to ask you to have your way with it.

We are a mess.
But we are your mess.

Thanks be to God!


Saturday, November 8, 2014

A Prayer for Saturday, November 8, 2014


O God,

Help us to move

beyond intellectual belief in you
to absolute trust in you,

beyond general characterizations of groups
to particular relationships with people,

beyond a childish clinging to certitude
to a mature acceptance of mystery,

beyond a fear of the future
to an embrace of the possibilities,

beyond resistance to change
to acceptance of progress,

beyond guilt over our sins
to celebration of your forgiveness,

beyond a dread of death
to the living of life,

beyond obsession with self
to concern for others,

beyond what was
to what is,


beyond what is
to what can be.


Friday, November 7, 2014

A Prayer for Friday, November 7, 2014


O God,

Thank you for covering us with your grace and love.

Thank you for those times when we know for sure that we are covered with them.

When times come that we feel like we are not covered with your grace and love, grant us such a vivid recollection of what it was like to know that we were covered with them that we can vividly imagine that we still are. Let such imagination be born of great trust in you.

Let your grace and love not just cover us; let that covering extend beyond us so that those with whom we come into contact can get a sense of what it is to be so covered and thus ask you for their own covering.

And thank you that you so willingly give it to them …


Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Prayer for Thursday, November 6, 2014


O God,

On the one hand, everything in life matters because every moment of life is unique and precious. Even that which is simple and seemingly trivial—watching a favorite television show with our spouse, talking with our child about her or his day, listening to the morning birds sing, sitting in silence, for examples—can be filled with meaning. Teach us to celebrate such simple meaningful moments.

On the other hand, some things in life matter more than others. Sometimes we lose perspective and give way too much of our time and energy to things that are so trivial as to be nearly meaningless. The tragedy of it is that we then have way too little time and energy to give to things that are truly meaningful.

Perhaps it is the case that the more we focus on ourselves, the smaller and narrower and less meaningful our lives will become. It’s not that we don’t matter; it’s just that our calling is to love you with all we are and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. It’s not that we are not to be self-aware; it’s just that our lives matter more when we focus on giving ourselves away for your sake and for the sake of others.

Remind us that to grow in Christ-likeness is to grow in our desire, willingness, and commitment to serve rather than to be served and to give our lives away rather than to hold on to them greedily and fearfully.

Remind us that living lives in which we give grace because we have received grace and give love because we have received love is what matters most …


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A Prayer for Wednesday, November 5, 2014


O God,

Teach us to pray.

I’m not asking that you teach us how topray
but rather that you teach us to pray.

Keep us mindful of the fact that
our life is to be constant communion with you.

Keep us mindful of the fact that
prayer is constant communion with you.

Keep us mindful of the fact that, therefore,
our life is to be life of prayer,
a life of constant communion with you.

Let our awareness
of your presence,
of our conversation with you,
of our sensitivity to your guidance
be perpetual.

Thank you for always being with us;
help us always to be with you.


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A Prayer for Tuesday, November 4, 2014


O God,

As we live these
very busy lives of ours,
remind us to pause.

Remind us to pause

to listen,
to observe,
to ponder,
to reflect,
to consider,
to notice,
to wonder,
to pray.

As we pause, make us
aware of the presence

of your Spirit,
of the lives of others,
of opportunities

to love,
to give,
to help,
to serve.

Remind us to pause
every once in a while
so that we can become
more and more sensitive
to the ways things really are
and to our place and role in them.


Monday, November 3, 2014

A Prayer for Monday, November 3, 2014


O God,

There is so much to cry about in this old world; we cannot help but be saddened and grief-stricken by so much of what we see and experience.

But still—there is so much to laugh about.

Thank you for those situations that make us laugh.
Thank you for those people who make us laugh.
Thank you for those realizations that make us laugh.

Give us love enough that we will never laugh at someone’s misfortune.
Give us grace enough that we will never hesitate to laugh at ourselves.

In this week and in all weeks, let us laugh well, laugh long, and laugh appropriately.

Help us to know that it is good for us and that it can be good for those around us.

Oh, and help us to know when not to laugh, too …


Sunday, November 2, 2014

A Prayer for Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Lord’s Day

O God,

Thank you for all those
who have gone before us.

Thank you for those who have
faithfully and courageously
worshiped and served you
and who now worship
and serve you in heaven.

Encourage us through
their service in the past as
we serve you in the present.

Inspire us through
their worship in heaven as
we worship you on Earth.

Let us live our lives so that
when we are remembered
we will be remembered as
faithful servants of yours
and as faithful witnesses
to your grace and love.


Saturday, November 1, 2014

A Prayer for Saturday, November 1, 2014


O God,

Changes do come.

They come

to our perspective,
to our situation,
to our relationships,
to our understanding,
to our knowledge,
to our convictions.

If we haven’t perceived any changes lately,
let us wonder why; let us wonder if we
are paying attention and if we are growing.

Show us if and how we are ignoring change
that you have brought into our lives or if
we are resisting change that you want to bring into our lives.

Let our changes be the result of the growing influence of

your Spirit,
your Son,
your love,
your grace,
your peace,
your hope,
your faith,
your mercy

in our lives.
