Monday, January 19, 2015

A Prayer for Monday, January 19, 2015


O God,

Help us to stand for equality, for fairness, for justice, and for dignity.

Since we believe that one day all of your people will be together forever in one community, help us to do all that we can to build that community here and now. Help us to live in ways that will foster on Earth what will be in heaven.

As we take our stands, help us to take them in ways that reflect your ways—the ways of love, grace, sacrifice, service, and non-violence. Help us not to respond to evil with evil but rather to overcome evil with good.

Help us to stand for what is best and not for what is customary, for what should be and not for what is, for the kingdom of heaven and not for the kingdom of this world, and for all people and not just for our people.

Help us to stand for good and not for evil, for right and not for wrong, for love and not for hate, for hope and not for despair, and for justice and not for injustice.


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